The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology discloses the Dissertation Defense of the student Elianete de Sousa Guimarães entitled Process of territorial occupation and ethnic resistance in Marajó: the case of Quilombo do Rosário/Mangabal, Salvaterra, which will take place on October 10, 2022 at 9 am in the PPGA/IFCH virtual environment.

The Examining Board will be composed of the Professors Doctors:

Patrícia Maria Portela Nunes - UEMA – external examiner

Rosa Elizabeth Acevedo Marin - PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner

Zélia Amador de Deus – ICA/UFPA - alternate external examiner

Katiane Silva – PPGA/UFPA - alternate internal examiner

Eliane Cantarino O’Dwyer – PPGA/UFPA – advisor and presidente