The Graduate Program in Anthropology announces the Doctoral Qualification Examination of student Emilly Cristine Barbosa Dos Santos, entitled Collections listed in saturated technical reserves: the institutional abandonment of archaeological heritage, which will take place on August 30, 2023, at 2 pm in virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Examining Board will be composed of Professors:

Alejandra Saladino, - UNIRIO - external examiner.

Marcia Bezerra de Almeida - PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner.

Diogo Menezes Costa - PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner.

Pedro José Tótora da Glória - PPGA/UFPA - alternate internal examiner.

Sue Ferreira da Costa - UFPA - alternate external examiner.

Renata de Godoy, advisor and president of the committee.