The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Doctoral Qualification Exam of student Laura Carolina Vieira, entitled REDD/REDD+ Carbon Projects in the interior of the Brazilian Amazon: nature and local social systems in the face of the demands of the carbon climate market – Portel, Pará, Brazil, which will take place on October 17, 2023, at 3 pm, in the PPGA virtual environment /IFCH.

The Examining Board will be composed of Professors with PhDs:

Alfredo Wagner Berno de Almeida - UFAM – external examiner

Juracy Marques dos Santos - UNEB - external examiner

Flávio Bezerra Barros – PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner

Hilton Pereira da Silva – PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner

Eliana Teles Rodrigues – UFPA - substitute external examiner

Fabiano de Souza Gontijo – PPGA/UFPA – alternate internal examiner

Rosa Elizabeth Acevedo Marin – PPGA/UFPA - advisor and president